Terraform Beginner to Master Book

A while ago I produced a Terraform course for INE. I really enjoyed the experience but there were a few things that left me frustrated. Such as the course was quite expensive (I couldn’t set the price) which set a high barrier to entry for most people. It was also quite hard to update the course due to the way the course was structured a small change would have been quite a lot of rework.

With the release of Terraform 0.12 where Hashicorp made a number of breaking changes, I wanted to release more content to help people get started with Terraform and learn why they should use it. I started to research into writing my own book and that’s when I found Leanpub.com. Leanpub is an amazing site where you can self publish your own book from markdown. It allows you to automate the flow of publishing a book from GitHub (great for developers) and the best part is that it allows you to release a book before it is finished and start getting feedback. Then as you write more and more of the book you can keep releasing new versions. The model is kind of like beta software. You can get feedback from your readers early and then take that feedback into the book to fix typos, improve chapters and even shape upcoming content.

My book Terraform: From Beginner to Master has been in the works for a couple of months. Available now on leanpub. You can choose to pay what you want (down to a minimum) for the book plus you are protected by leanpub’s refund policy. Where leanpub will give you your money back with no arguments within the first 45 days. This means you can try books out on Leanpub virtually risk-free. You can also download them into a format compatible with your favorite eReader.

The book takes you from not even knowing what Terraform is, to explaining the business case as to why you should use it, all the way through from giving you a solid understanding of how complex Terraform projects work using AWS for real-world examples. If you purchase the book and have any feedback it would be greatly welcomed.

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